What Is the Best Technique for Painting a Concrete Patio?

What Is the Best Technique for Painting a Concrete Patio?

When you think about the spaces in your house that need a fresh coat of paint, your patio may not be among them. However, a fresh coat of paint or floor coatings can spruce up your outdoor area and cover up any damage.

The technique for concrete painting will differ a bit from work that you’ve done on other surfaces. Here is your guide to the best technique to paint a concrete patio.

Choose Your Paint

First, you need to choose the right paint for the job. Regular exterior paint won’t work on a concrete surface. Instead, you can get professional concrete paint that is designed to stick to concrete surfaces. Many have additional materials that help protect your surface from the elements.

If your patio experiences a lot of wear and tear, you can look into floor coatings. Epoxy floor coatings are made of resin and other ingredients that add a distinctive shine to your patio while protecting it from the elements.

Whether you’re choosing traditional paint or a coating, make sure that the shade complements the colors of your walls and patio furniture. 

Prep the Surface

The first step in concrete painting is to prepare the surface. Clear off furniture, plants, and other items that you may have on your patio. You should also clear off any dirt and debris by using a power washer or a hose and a brush.

Then, prep the surface. Fill in any cracks with concrete sealant as they will show up through the fresh coat of paint. If the patio already has paint on it, you’ll want to scrape off the paint as best as you can to avoid dents or bumps in your new paint coating.

Finally, cover your walls and other areas that you don’t want to paint with tape. 

Paint the Patio

Before you start painting, check the directions on your paint or coating. Some require primer before you start painting. Primer usually takes a few hours to dry.

Then, pour the paint into a rolling tray and use a roller to cover the surface. You can get rollers with long handles or brush extenders to save your back from bending over as you paint. Thoroughly coat the surface.

While you can get by with just one coat, it is often better to paint with two thin coats as opposed to one thick one. This will offer better coverage and protection from the elements.

Add Finishing Touches

Once you’re done painting the bulk of your patio, you can go in and add finishing touches, such as covering smaller areas, with a hand-held brush.

Some manufacturers recommend adding a concrete paint sealer once the paint has dried. You can apply the sealer with a paint roller as well. Use a brush to cover the edges and smaller areas.

Once you are done painting, you should wait at least a day before walking on the surface. You’ll need to wait three to seven days before replacing your furniture and using your patio as you normally would. However, the wait is worth it for your gorgeous new patio coating.

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